Hope for Lupus Weekend

An estimated 1.4 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with lupus for which there is no cure. The HOPE for LUPUS event will raise much needed funds to help continue critical reserach in finding a cure for this debilitating disease. May is Lupus Awareness Month. Pura Vida Wellness Resort (Pura Vida) is hosting a Weekend of HOPE for LUPUS, an event to raise awareness of the fight for a cure to Lupus and raise money for the Lupus Foundation of Mid-America South Chapter. In conjunction with Maritima Inc., Pura Vida has created ~~Fashion for Hope~~ an auction of exclusive items donated by many well-known designers. ALL PROCEEDS will be donated directly to the Lupus Foundation. All events will be held at Pura Vida Wellness Resort located on the Costa Rica Sims. Donation prims will also be open at all events beginning with the auction on Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, everyone is encouraged to enjoy music and comedy by some of the best entertainers in SL®. While we may shop, dance, and laugh, may we do it in support of those who might not.

 Friday May 20, 2011 
 **6 p.m. (SLT) Auction**

~~~LAUGH for HOPE~~
    Sunday, May 22nd
**3 p.m. (SLT) Show**

~~~MUSIC for HOPE~~
   Saturday, May 21st
**12 p.m. (SLT) Bones Writer**
**7 p.m. (SLT) The Follow**

For more information:



MY STORY: Tosha Bergan, Owner Pura Vida Wellness Center

At the age of 11, misdiagnosed, my brother William suffered from various symptoms that limited his young life. It was not until October 2005, ten years later, that he was diagnosed with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). He was 21 years old.
Any Disease like this takes a tremendous toll on the patient as well as family members. For this reason, I do all that I can to raise awareness, funds, and serve as a group support facilitator for the Lupus Foundation of America to help others cope and to hope for a cure.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect the joints and almost every major organ in the body, including the heart, kidneys, skin, lungs, and brain.

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